The thematic area bundles services in the four life stages "school", "further education", "study" and "vocational training".
Discover theLife Situations

Further education
Lifelong learning is of paramount importance in an ageing society. Against this background, the state not only promotes numerous continuing education programmes, but also individually encourages the willingness of employees to continue their education, among other things through loans and vouchers.

Vocational training
The living situation includes, among other things, benefits for the recognition of vocational training achievements and for vocational training support.

The life situation "study" comprises all administrative services related to a study programme, which includes the period from when a person informs him/herself about study programmes, over the entire duration of the study programme until all study-related administrative contacts have been completed. The life situation thus includes administrative services that support citizens in deciding on a study programme and finding a study place, administrative services in the context of enrolment, services to finance studies, and services in the context of graduation. In addition to university matters and vocational training support (BAföG), the area of health insurance also plays a role. Important administrative areas in the life situation are universities, student services, the Foundation for University Admission (SfH) and health insurance. In addition, the Federal Office of Administration (BVA), together with the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), plays an important role in student financing. The Federal Employment Agency advises on the choice of study. Depending on the individual case, other actors are involved in the living situation, for example the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The living situation is only phase-intensive in terms of cooperation, especially in connection with the search for a study place and university admission.

Services in the life situation "school" include, in particular, admission to the various types of school, changes of school and the awarding of grades and certificates. In addition, depending on the personal situation, reimbursements for excursions, class trips and school transport play a role. Parents and pupils in this situation have contact primarily with the schools and school authorities.