In addition to the areas of preventive health care and curative treatment, the more than 60 OZG benefits in the thematic area also include the areas of care, benefits for people with disabilities and survivors' benefits.
Discover theLife Situations

Benefits in the life situation "death" particularly affect relatives and surviving dependants, for whom there are numerous state support benefits on the one hand, and who must settle the concerns of the deceased on the other.

People who need care themselves or are caring for relatives receive a variety of support from the administration, including in the form of care benefits, loans and even financing of conversion work in their own home.

Services for people with disabilities are summarised in the life situation of disability. On the one hand, this involves the recognition of certain impairments in the context of determining the degree of disability and its certification (severely disabled person's card) and, on the other hand, the granting of assistance or the implementation of a conciliation procedure in the event of a violation of rights under the Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act (BGG).

When people fall ill, they are often entitled to benefits, especially from health and accident insurance, to help them recover. For example, certain treatments have to be approved, reimbursement of costs for journeys has to be applied for or an injury benefit is paid. These benefits are summarised in the life situation illness.